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Develop English education

Cause :

The understanding using the English language is primary good. The most common sentences are well spoken and causes no real problems. While continuing the conversation the understanding decreases and self confidence is tested. The English spoken in the resort is at much higher level than in the hospital.

Underlaying reason:

The amount of words to use is limited and training in long English conversations need more practises. If the employee wants to improve and study the language, the employee must provide him or herself the training and education. Note that in Holland this is the responsibility of the employer.

Suggested solution

The solution is a mix of training and providing words to use, given to the employees. Developing the following topics will add to better use of the English language:

  • Describe topic growing rice and the water system of the fields
  • Describe topic religion and celebrations
  • Describe the typical dances and explain the story with the typical expressions
  • Train the employee to tell about the activities in the resort
  • Train the employees to have a conversation with repeating and questioning
  • Spend time together to get familiar with each other using English language

Shelley de Zeeuw, Shri and Aini will be asked to write the documents and guide the employees


Both illustrations and text will be useful. Using YouTube seems a logical choice to learn.


Peter wants to pays the necessary costs developing the program. There is a budget of 10 million Rp


After developing the training and materials can be used elsewhere like the hospitals or schools.